Ben Potts Ben Potts

China is on Fireball

Aging wine in space really softens the tannins of a nice Bordeaux. Such are the findings of a recent experiment conducted by Space Cargo Unlimited. The company sent a case of Petrus to the international space station to orbit the earth for just over a year. Upon its return to earth, 12 experts from the Institute of Wine and Vine Research in Bordeaux tasted the wines and concluded that time spent in space accelerated the aging of the wines, softening the tannins...

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Ben Potts Ben Potts

Wine not?

The Pandemic has been good to the middle class. Middle class wines that is. An article published this week in The Drinks Business details how middle tier wines that usually suffer in times of financial crisis are flourishing during the pandemic. Their explanations are few, but some speculation is that with the closure of on-premise, consumers are more comfortable splitting the markup difference and splurging on the above entry level marks. Simultaneously,...

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Ben Potts Ben Potts

Change is brewing

We lead this week with a very interesting story about witchcraft and women in brewing published by The Conversation. For centuries, brewing was an important household task primarily undertaken by women. Much of the iconography associated with witchcraft has been attributed to female brewers and the smear campaigns of the day that followed. The bubbling cauldron, the pointy hat (worn to be noticed in bustling markets), the cats for keeping mice out of the grain...

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Ben Potts Ben Potts

Is hot wine hot again?

We lead off today with news in the world of rice wine. Warmed sake is making a comeback! As it turns out, warm sake is not just for your dad in an airport sushi restaurant. As the article explains, certain styles of sake really shine at temperatures ranging from tepid to pretty hot. In cities like New York where diners are currently huddled in yurts, consumers are searching for more warm beverage options. Fortunately for them, sake has a long history of...

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